Monday, January 30, 2017

a person who is important to you or who you admire.

Ahmed Alshuqairi

The person who I admire very much is from Saudi Arabia and his name is Ahmed Alshuqairi. After he finished high school, he went to united states for studying in the university. He has a lot of influence for many people like youth. He has presenter many program in MBC, such as Kawater. Also, in This program he travels many countries around the world and solve or discussion many social issues. He is very inspiring and ambition person. when you watch him, you will feel relax and surprise at the information. Of his accomplishment also, wrote many books about his life, experience, and advices. In 2009, he won the first place in the Arab world because he strongest influential figure. I really like people who have advantages and make people meditate or think about many small things they do not care, but it is very important in our life. Finally, I hope many people watch or follow positive persons to be happy.  

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