Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What will you be doing in ten years from now?

The Future

           It really hard question and need more thinking about my future. I do not know how will be? and what will happen after 10 years. Will it be difficult or easy and comfortable life? Who will people stay and enter in my life or leave it. It is complicated if you imagine and thinking, but everything in this life is predestination. After 10 years, I will see my achievements, and I will a proud of myself. Also, I have many goals I hope achieve some of them one day. I love travels so much, so I wish travel most country around the world and know more about culture, people, and incredible places. Also, maybe I will be a business woman in Saudi Arabia and will have own company and a lot of money. some money I will donate for charity and poor people because when I give them I will be very happy and enter the happiness to their hearts. I want be optimistic person, and I hope improve myself in different ways. To sum up, I do not know what will change in my life and what things I will achieved in the future.  


  1. Hey Miqat, I also think that is hard you know what you are doing in ten years, but think positive and make great plans is a good start. I am sure that you are going to be very successful there!

  2. the life needs to patient. and always you think how to reach to the top. after that start first step in your journey to achieved your goals.Also, you have to know there is nothing impossible just you need to the insist and determination. go ahead my dear sister. i hope you will get your needs. regards

  3. Hi Miqat,

    10 years are enough to achieve many goals, so if you put your goals and concentrate them, you will find your life become better and better. Start from now.

    Thank you

  4. first step in your journey to achieved your goals. I am sure that you are going to be very successful. thank you
