Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate? Why?

              It is really hard question to answer it because the life is changing now and become more difficult not like before it was easy. Nowadays, everything expensive and high cost of living, but I would rather be poor with work at job I love it for several reasons. I think when I love my job, I will be fulfilling and creative. Many people think money everything, but they wrong your health and love you cannot buy them by money. Also, if I have comfortable work and I love it, I do not care about salary and may will be increase gradually and become high income. Then, I can open my own work and be rich. I know it is hard to start be poor and no one want that, but I realized many giant companies start with small steps and income and now very popular and have large profits. Finally, the life need more patient to get what do you want and everything comes to you at the right moment.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Miqat! If you do your better in a work that you love, you will be successful, does not matter if will be in a company or in own business.
