Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Do celebrities (singers, sports stars, etc.) have any responsibilty to be good role models for young people? Why or why not?


Nowadays, there is widespread phenomenon in social media is celebrities such as actors, fashionistas and athletes, and they have fans and supports from different countries around the world. In my opinion, they have not responsibility to be role models for teenager. Some of them they have negative effects on imitate their behaviors and rising children. There are many young people and teenager following them without looking their professional achievements. Also, their beautiful luxury life style get more attention from people when young people see these pictures, they will be looking forward to this kind of life like. I think the teenager period is more influence than other ages, so we need more cautious with young people and who they follow from celebrities. To sum up, there are some celebrities good to guide young people to right direction and give them advices while other celebrities have damaging effects to young people and society.


  1. i agree with your opinon that they have not responsibility to be role models for teenager.
    you said what i want to say.

  2. I agree with you.There are many young people and teenager follow them.
