Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What was something that was very important to you when you were a child?


             Childhood is the best period in our life. The children are very kind and their hurt is white, and they cannot hate or jealous. Also, when you see the children, you see hope, happiness and life. The smile does not go away from their faces. When I was a little, every weekend I waited the weekend and count the day. You know why? Because on Wednesday and Thursdays I went to my grandparents' houses and I met my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. I played with my cousins and did many adventures together. My cousins, brothers and I are usually slept in grandfather house on the weekend. We woke early and my grandmother made breakfast to us. Also, we went to entertainment city every week and bought games. It was amazing days and until now we memories together and laugh. I miss these days, and I want go back and rememorize it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Miqat ! That was amazing story. I remember when I was 5 years old me and my parents went to the lake and chill all of the weekend.
