Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate? Why?

              It is really hard question to answer it because the life is changing now and become more difficult not like before it was easy. Nowadays, everything expensive and high cost of living, but I would rather be poor with work at job I love it for several reasons. I think when I love my job, I will be fulfilling and creative. Many people think money everything, but they wrong your health and love you cannot buy them by money. Also, if I have comfortable work and I love it, I do not care about salary and may will be increase gradually and become high income. Then, I can open my own work and be rich. I know it is hard to start be poor and no one want that, but I realized many giant companies start with small steps and income and now very popular and have large profits. Finally, the life need more patient to get what do you want and everything comes to you at the right moment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What was something that was very important to you when you were a child?


             Childhood is the best period in our life. The children are very kind and their hurt is white, and they cannot hate or jealous. Also, when you see the children, you see hope, happiness and life. The smile does not go away from their faces. When I was a little, every weekend I waited the weekend and count the day. You know why? Because on Wednesday and Thursdays I went to my grandparents' houses and I met my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. I played with my cousins and did many adventures together. My cousins, brothers and I are usually slept in grandfather house on the weekend. We woke early and my grandmother made breakfast to us. Also, we went to entertainment city every week and bought games. It was amazing days and until now we memories together and laugh. I miss these days, and I want go back and rememorize it.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

If you could travel to any country in the world, where would you want to go and why?

        I really like travel to different nation around the world and discover or explore them. My family and I are always travel on the vacation, and we visited many countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Emirates and Kuwait. In the united states, I would like to go most of states and specially California for several reasons. I think California is the most popular states. Many traveler and tourist go their because it is beautiful and luxury place for enjoying and interesting with your family or friends. Also, my brother and I want to see our cousin. He is studying there and knows many places and good restaurants. In addition, I want to go Disneyland. It is dreams land, and I like many characters since I was young. I like photography, so I would take amazing photos there. Finally, on the March in the California Nadal tennis player will play there, and I hope go to attend tennis match. In conclusion, I hope go to California as soon as possible and make my dream true.           

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What will you be doing in ten years from now?

The Future

           It really hard question and need more thinking about my future. I do not know how will be? and what will happen after 10 years. Will it be difficult or easy and comfortable life? Who will people stay and enter in my life or leave it. It is complicated if you imagine and thinking, but everything in this life is predestination. After 10 years, I will see my achievements, and I will a proud of myself. Also, I have many goals I hope achieve some of them one day. I love travels so much, so I wish travel most country around the world and know more about culture, people, and incredible places. Also, maybe I will be a business woman in Saudi Arabia and will have own company and a lot of money. some money I will donate for charity and poor people because when I give them I will be very happy and enter the happiness to their hearts. I want be optimistic person, and I hope improve myself in different ways. To sum up, I do not know what will change in my life and what things I will achieved in the future.