Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Write a review of the semester. What was good, bad, fun, difficult, anything. Write about both your classes and living in Austin.

Austin is the best place to live. Before I came to Austin, I was worried about people, ESL and where I will live. It was a new experience to me to live far away from my parents. Also, prior to coming here I faced many challenges. However, I discover Austin and day after day I like here and people are very kind and nice. So, ESL help me to enhance my English and make new friends around the world such as Brazil, Mexico, Turkey and china. I have learned more about their cultures, so they are, too. Some of them are close to me and have same my character even though they have different religions. Moreover, the teachers are excellent and I do not expect that because my friends told me many ESL in united states are not good. Finally, I am very excited to choose Austin and university institute. In my view, Austin is the best place for studying and living.        

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

If you could live at any moment in time (past or present) in any place, where and when would you live?

 I would choose to live in Europe and in the past time for several reasons. First of all, I miss to live without technology or internet because people now are changing and do not have a good communication with each other. Also, they are wasting their time in not useful things. However, in the past people in one heart and always set and connect. In addition, Europe has many countries such as London, France, Italy and Spain beside each other. I love travel around the world, so if I live in Europe, I would visit many different beautiful countries and I will know more about their cultures. The culture of Europe is rooted in the art and architecture. There are many ancient building like Colosseum and Pantheon in Rome. In previous years, the environment is better than now, people in that time do not complain about climate changing and weather or temperature. It was cool and nice, even though they do not have cooling devices as same as now.       

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Students around the world study English. If all Americans had to study one foreign language, which one should it be?

I think it is difficult to decided what American should study as a second language because their language is international and global. English in the past and until now is very common, and there are many schools and universities teaching English around the world. However, if all American had to study one foreign language, I will choose Arabic not because it is my language but for several reasons. First of all, when American learn Arabic, they can understand about Islam and do not believe anyone distorts it, and they will understand what is the truth. Also, there are many countries around the world speak Arabic in Africa and gulf states. If American learn Arabic, they will have perfect communication with Arabic speakers and have business together and more opportunity to work. I realize in my country there are many American work in different companies like Saudi Aramco, so they need to deal with people and speak with them. Finally, I recommended American to study Arabic language as a second language.   

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why is it difficult for so many people to have a healthy lifestyle these days?

           Nowadays, if you go out with your friends or family, you will find all kinds of food with higher calories and sugar around you. So, it is hard to have a healthy lifestyle because the companies of fast food are increasing and spreading around the world such as MacDonald's, Domino's pizza and KFC. Also, the people are eating fast food because of working or studying and do not have time to cook, even though they know the impact of fast food. We can realize that many marketing sell unhealthy food and encourage people to buy it and make great offer on it. In addition, people spend their leisure time to use electronic devices such as computers, cellphones and TV instead of exercise. They are use easer way and do not move like use elevators instead of stairs or parking near the store. As a result, today in the united states roughly 200 million people overweight or obesity. Finally, I hope people educated and change their lifestyle to better and become healthier.      

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Do celebrities (singers, sports stars, etc.) have any responsibilty to be good role models for young people? Why or why not?


Nowadays, there is widespread phenomenon in social media is celebrities such as actors, fashionistas and athletes, and they have fans and supports from different countries around the world. In my opinion, they have not responsibility to be role models for teenager. Some of them they have negative effects on imitate their behaviors and rising children. There are many young people and teenager following them without looking their professional achievements. Also, their beautiful luxury life style get more attention from people when young people see these pictures, they will be looking forward to this kind of life like. I think the teenager period is more influence than other ages, so we need more cautious with young people and who they follow from celebrities. To sum up, there are some celebrities good to guide young people to right direction and give them advices while other celebrities have damaging effects to young people and society.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate? Why?

              It is really hard question to answer it because the life is changing now and become more difficult not like before it was easy. Nowadays, everything expensive and high cost of living, but I would rather be poor with work at job I love it for several reasons. I think when I love my job, I will be fulfilling and creative. Many people think money everything, but they wrong your health and love you cannot buy them by money. Also, if I have comfortable work and I love it, I do not care about salary and may will be increase gradually and become high income. Then, I can open my own work and be rich. I know it is hard to start be poor and no one want that, but I realized many giant companies start with small steps and income and now very popular and have large profits. Finally, the life need more patient to get what do you want and everything comes to you at the right moment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What was something that was very important to you when you were a child?


             Childhood is the best period in our life. The children are very kind and their hurt is white, and they cannot hate or jealous. Also, when you see the children, you see hope, happiness and life. The smile does not go away from their faces. When I was a little, every weekend I waited the weekend and count the day. You know why? Because on Wednesday and Thursdays I went to my grandparents' houses and I met my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. I played with my cousins and did many adventures together. My cousins, brothers and I are usually slept in grandfather house on the weekend. We woke early and my grandmother made breakfast to us. Also, we went to entertainment city every week and bought games. It was amazing days and until now we memories together and laugh. I miss these days, and I want go back and rememorize it.